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Hotline or
Service support ?

Update subscriptions and Cloud subscriptions do not include any free services from our specialists. 


However, a free first-level hotline is provided to subscribers for simple and brief questions of common use. These are handled by phone or e-mail, via the Technical Support command available in our software. In order to ensure that all the requests that we receive via this method are dealt with quickly, the intervention time for each case is limited to a few minutes.


All other cases require the intervention of one of our highly qualified specialists, whose services are always invoiced or deducted from a Support Credit. You can book an intervention at the date of your choice via our online booking system, the use of which implies acceptance of the general conditions. Services performed outside of the customer's presence (parameters, custom developments etc.) are always subject to a quote that must be accepted before the work begins.


Some examples:

Hotline support (free)


  • I received a partial payment, how do I enter it?

  • Is there a way to automate the update of exchange rates? 

  • Where can I define the access authorizations for a new collaborator? 

  • Where is the command to create a new exercise?

  • Where can I set up a custom import of the Address records?

  • Can you recommend a QR reader?

Service Support (billable services)


  • How do I manage my debtors in Business?

  • I have a balance on a foreign currency account that I don't understand.

  • Here is a list of my collaborators and the rights I want to define, please explain how I should do it.

  • I have to close my accounts and I don't know how to do it.

  • I get an error when I import the attached .xls file

  • My customers can't scan the QR-invoice I send them

In general, all in-depth explanations, troubleshooting, training and configuration are provided by our specialists and are subject to billing.


To make an appointment:


In case of urgent problem or imperative, contact us and we will put at your disposal one of our specialists or programmers to answer you as soon as possible. A flat fee of CHF 200 will be added to the price of the intervention, which requires your prior acceptance by e-mail.

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